Credit Report Repair Services

You are unique!
Your situation is unique.

We will customize our services to meet the demands of your goals and your circumstances. Your personal Case Advisor is certified in the Fair Credit Reporting Act and specially trained to provide you a road map to achieve your highest credit score.
Call for a free consultation 888-668-4426.

Need help confronting the credit bureaus?

According to various surveys by public interest groups, as many as 70% of all consumers have errors in their credit files, and a percentage of those errors are severe enough to result in credit denial.

Many more families have been faced with financial hardship that has left their credit in question and in need of direction in rebuilding. You have the right to a credit report that is accurate, complete and verifiable. Federal Law is on your side; and we have your back.

Title IV of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (commonly referred to as the Credit Repair Organizations Act)


(a) Findings.--The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Consumers have a vital interest in establishing and maintaining their creditworthiness and credit standing in order to obtain and use credit. As a result, consumers who have experienced credit problems may seek assistance from credit repair organizations which offer to improve the credit standing of such consumers.

Why would you accept anything less than a total solution?

Experience the passion and attention to detail that have made UpMyScore the outstanding service that friends, family, and professionals have recommend with confidence for over 17 years.

We truly believe you are OUR customer already…and you just got here.

No, not arrogant; we are just convinced that we can and will solve your credit issues for you quickly, completely--and get you back on the path of living your life without limits.

We Offer One Truly Great Program

But we offer you the choice of two service schedules depending on your budget and time-line.

BlueRibbonOutstanding Service

Clients love UpMyScore because we work each customer's case just as we would our own: conscientiously, to the best of our ability with an obsession to provide truly outstanding service.

JusticeExercise Your Rights

Federal and state laws protect consumers from inaccurate, incomplete & unverifiable credit reporting.

"He who does not exercise his rights is no better off than he who has no rights." - Ted Wooley, UpMyScore Founder

BottomLineThere is no one who cannot dramatically improve their situation with a little time, money and professional guidance using our time-tested service.